Sinead Millard

Personal & Business Coach


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I was a branding strategist for almost 10 years. I loved the industry and was successful, but I was ready for something new. My growth was starting to slow down and I wanted to contribute in a greater way. I decided to leave corporate, which was a huge decision. I became a Mum at the same time and knew it was time for a big change.

I am a career woman and needed clarity on what I was going to do next. It was one of the most challenging times in my life. I have always placed a very high value on my career and I love my work. I was at a stage where there was a lot of uncertainty, and I felt frustrated and overwhelmed. I started to explore what was out there to support me and I came across Michael.

When I read Michael’s bio, I was immediately drawn to it. His tone and language was fast-paced, action-focused, very direct and no-nonsense, which was exactly what I wanted. At the initial consultation I actually got results there and then, so I knew I wanted to work with him straight away.

I needed the backing of a strong coach.

I didn’t hold back when Michael asked me what I wanted to achieve through coaching. I wanted impact, and I invested because I wanted to ensure I’d see change. I wanted clarity, which I got at the first consultation. After that, it was about how to bring it to life and launch my coaching business. This required courage from me as this was a big shift. The biggest benefit of working with him was the capacity to actually begin coaching within three months. Not just the website creation and article writing desk work, but going out and mastering the craft. I will be forever thankful for this.

Working with Michael helped me to establish the mindset I needed to achieve my goals. He has this capacity to instill confidence in you, at time which is particularly uncertain, and knowing he has your back is a huge benefit, too.

What stands out to me most is the pace at which we worked together. Things get done quicker, with more precision, courage and excitement with a coach, and it’s definitely something I experienced working with Michael.

I saw results quickly, which came from him helping me see what I've learnt in my previous industry. For me this was branding, so we weren’t starting from a clean slate, but using what I already had to push forward, fast.

Michael’s support wasn’t just in his coaching. When setting up a business as I was, I needed people of different expertise to help, and his huge network supported that completely.

Being coached was a new experience for me. I didn’t completely understand the benefits, or how tangible the results could be. I still look back and feel very grateful that I made that initial investment. I got my return over and over again.

As a coach, Michael is extremely professional in all respects. As a client, you then return that level of professionalism. Yes, he’s very direct and no-nonsense, but as a person he also has a huge heart. His belief in me as a person was huge, and right at a time of uncertainty and self-doubt, it was absolutely critical. The sessions were always fun, I always looked forward to them, even traveling from Cardiff to have them face-to-face. His humour and fun approach to life allows you to open up and experience the transformation in a way that’s got a lightness, which is invaluable in a changeable period which can feel very heavy.