Astrid Rickelman

Success Coach

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It’s obvious that Michael is an extraordinary gifted man but more men are extraordinary in some or other field. For me he is a wonderful mixture of arrogance, realism, sharpness and vulnerability all at the same time which makes it quite an adventure to work with him.

For me it certainly has been a journey from good to amazing. Doing well already, sometimes doubting myself in spite of it, not fully realising my gift, Michael has made it very clear to me that I am special. Not because he thinks that sounds great. If anything he would sooner tell me the opposite if that were his opinion. No, I deeply felt he is right. It resonated within me.

I have very gradually put his words into action, I find that it takes time to absorb everything and make the changes that are necessary. I wanted to make a big shift in my career and that affects everything around it. I needed time to position myself again, transform certain aspects in life and we explored all possibilities together. During that process, Michael has never been judgmental and he never made me feel that I wasn’t adapting quickly enough.

I am deeply thankful to him, and I have grown to like him very much. It has been a great pleasure and honour working with this amazing man.

I wish for every one that aspires to be a better version of themselves to be mentored by Michael. It will be an experience that will be in your heart for a lifetime.