Diarmuid Dooley

Property Developer


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I'd been working as an electrician since I was 19, however I didn't see myself in this career moving forward. I wanted to do something more, something that I've never tried before but it was causing confusion. I felt like I was trapped but I had a desire to go and improve certain aspects of my life, not knowing how to get there.

I saw Michael on TV a number of years ago. I remember racing to the laptop and searching his name. I looked at some of his videos and testimonials and it was then that I knew I wanted to get in touch. I liked his style, I liked the way he was quite harsh when he needed to be, but also had this kindness that made me trust him and his process. After my initial consultation, I knew he was the guy for the job.

I wanted to become a property developer and I wanted to do that in London. As a beginner, opportunities are quite rare, but Michael helped me believe that opportunity was everywhere. He also confirmed to me that I could do it in a big city with no experience, no funds, and no investors and not to be afraid. And that's exactly what I did. When I first started coaching with him, a wave of calmness overcame me, I felt instantly that I was moving in the right direction. When you work with Michael, you not only get access to him, but also his network of people from all different backgrounds and fields. We help each other and to this day I'm still in touch with some of the people that I've met through Michael. I most definitely feel that I'm where I need to be and that I have clarity on where I'm going.

I started to see results quickly. It took time for me to build my business to where it is today, but I found that when my mind was in the right place, I wasn’t fighting against myself. I wasn’t starting and giving up and starting again; I started and I kept driving through. It's the little things that I've learned from Michael that allow me to keep going forward, even when things aren't going my way. There’s a determination now and a confidence that I can get even further along my journey. Michael actually invested in my first property development project here in London. Knowing that someone like Michael not only coached me and believed in me, but also financially invested his own hard-earned money in my project was something special. It gave me courage and belief that someone like him was working alongside me and willing to commit and share some of the risk with me.

When I committed to working with Michael, at the time I thought it was very expensive but I found the money to go ahead and work with him. Looking back now, almost two years later, it was a drop in the ocean. It was a very small amount of money for getting what I got from working with him and where it’s got me today. I think it's very important to spend money on yourself and invest in yourself, otherwise how can you expect someone else to invest in you? It was probably the best financial investment I've made in 36 years.

Initially, I was a little bit nervous. I thought Michael was going to be loud, I thought he was going to be cracking the whip. However, he knows how to strike the balance of when he needs to be harsh and when he needs to be soft. One of the things that stood out for me was when I asked Michael a question, the answer came naturally, he didn’t need to think. I can only imagine this comes from his vast experience. It's like trying to solve a puzzle you can’t figure out, then Michael just looks at it and the puzzle is solved. And you think, ‘wow!’ it was that simple, because it can be that simple with the right coach.

Michael as a person is like a friend. Maybe not a friend that you meet for coffee or drinks, or go on holiday with, but someone that's on the other end of the phone, if you need some real advice.

When I was thinking about working with him, I made some very quick, big decisions; I sold my car and cut back on spending because I knew these things weren't important to me right now and I could get these things back down the line. I would suggest to anyone else that is in the same position as I was to just make the sacrifices, find the money and go work with Michael. The changes that he will make in a short period of time will be so beneficial to moving forward for the rest of your life. There's no time like the present, go and do it right now and you'll see the results by working with him from day one.