Karin Nielsen

Tech Entrepreneur


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I came to work with Michael because I’d recently come out of my last business and didn’t know what to work on next. It was really important to work on something high impact, that could potentially be that billion-dollar company, the “unicorn” idea. I’m very entrepreneurial and have a lot of things going on in my head, but I couldn’t decide what to work on next, which was extremely confusing and disheartening. My objective when working with him was to cut out all of the noise and zero in on that idea, that company I want to build for the next 10, 20, 30 years of my life.

The lack of focus and the plethora of options were preventing me from moving forward. I was easily distracted and unstructured in my approach. Ultimately, I felt very unhappy because I wasn’t moving forward at all. Working with Michael helped me identify what I am deeply passionate about.

I first heard about him through a friend who I told that I had just fired my 4th coach. That friend recently started working with Michael and said that he’d be perfect for me. I was very curious and once I saw the website, I quickly booked a consultation.

He was the first coach that I felt truly comfortable with. He has a very high IQ, which is important if you’re relatively smart because you might run rings around your coach and end up gaining very little. From day one, Michael was able to challenge my thinking. Not only that, but we are kindred spirits in our “no-bullshit” approach to life. He’s very candid and gives very precise feedback - it felt like a match made in heaven and I was keen to give it a try with him. I knew he was the last coach I’d ever see, as I’d had so many bad experiences. If he couldn’t work with me, then no-one could.

I’ve gained hugely from working with him. Beyond my initial issues, he’s helped me to stop fantasising about other things I could be doing. He’s helped me find and focus on exactly what matters most to me. Plus, we got rid of my limiting beliefs, many of which I wasn’t even aware of.

I saw results quickly. I got on with the homework he set for me immediately, as the euphoria he created in the session got me motivated to do it in a way that I’ve never experienced before.

The unexpected result I got was simply, yet crucially, becoming part of his network. Because Michael works with a specific kind of person, everyone comes with a similar attitude. Highly driven, motivated, high level and keen to connect and network. This meant that I could help others and they could support me, which has aided me hugely.

I definitely got a return on my investment. Honestly, one of the reasons I worked with him was because I was curious as to how much better he’d be, considering his high price tag, compared to the other coaches I had worked with. The fact that I’ve just signed up for more sessions with him proves that I think he’s excellent value for money.

As a coach, he’s astute, candid and has a way of not telling you what to do, but helping you to come to the realisation of what to do yourself. The techniques he teaches you don’t just help with the area you’re trying to improve, but can also be applied to other areas. You end up with an arsenal of tools for the rest of your life.

As a person, he’s empathic, smart, likeable, and has a great sense of humour! I can absolutely imagine being friends with Michael beyond our coaching relationship. He never makes me feel small and always brings out the best in me.

If you want to work with someone like him you need to be very driven, committed to change and prepared to hear the hard truths. If you’re putting down the money that he charges, you need to be able to take the feedback on the chin and be committed to implementing the things he teaches you. To work with him, you have to be prepared to work fucking hard to get the results. It’s a team sport. He’s awesome, but not a magician. You must be willing to make the changes.

If you’re already successful, but want to make sure you’re becoming the absolute best version of yourself, making the most of this one shot we have at life - Michael is the coach for you.