Katarzyna Przybylska

Head of Global Tax at Franke Group


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I contacted Michael for support in developing certain soft skills, as this was holding me back in my professional and private life. I had no previous coaching experience, so I wasn’t convinced it would work in my case. However, I decided to give it a try and set to engage the best coach I could find.

During our introductory session, Michael explained how he works and what to expect. He was very professional but also easy going and witty and I felt he could help me.

The sessions were intensive and eye-opening. He lives and breathes personal development, reads people quickly, and can direct thoughts and beliefs in the desired direction, giving references to universal principles of human behaviour, his own or others’ experiences, books or movies. I felt almost hypnotized and immediately noticed changes in both my thinking and behaviour. I could also count on him between sessions and he supported me through a very important decision I was facing. At the end, after making a final assessment of my life, I was amazed by how much it had changed. I could hardly believe where I was when I first spoke to him.

I can heartily recommend Michael to everyone who is looking for a guide on their personal development path. He knows every aspect of his field and what it takes to get you where you want to go. He will give you the most targeted advice and hold you accountable for the agreed actions so you do not fall off the course. You will be surprised how much your life will change by the time you reach the end of the programme.