Lee Taylor

Serial Entrepreneur
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Full Story

From the outside looking in, it looked like I had everything. I was running a small successful business, but all I could see was that it wasn't internationally successful. I was successful, but I always wanted more. What I had was never enough. I was frustrated all the time. I was in a downward spiral where everything was getting too much.

I was constantly tired and just didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. I was running around trying to please everyone, keeping the plates spinning and holding everything together. I needed to find the way out, but I didn’t know how to get out and manage everything that I had going on.

I needed someone to talk to, which as a business owner is hard to find. I had no-one to talk to, which is why I needed Michael. Without his support, my life would have crashed down around me, and I probably would have lost everything.

When I first went to see him, I had this big dream of making my business international. Oddly enough, through the process, some of the things I thought were really important to me became less important, and some of the things I thought were really going well, I realised needed improving, for example my personal life.

I concluded that I had actually achieved a lot already and didn’t need to go to the next level to be happy. I’m not going to be the next Elon Musk, and I’m okay with it now. Focusing on other things instead made me feel more peaceful. I was happier with myself. All I really wanted was time to enjoy my life.

The changes already started happening between our initial consultation and our first session. I knew I was going to be parting with a lot of money, so I started doing the work straight away. The first big result came quickly and was a result of Michael’s passion, enthusiasm and energy. He helped me win a £1m contract in my care business that I would otherwise not have dared to go for myself.

When I looked at Michael’s prices, I just looked at what I would get from working with him. I haven’t worked with him in three years, but I still remember all the lessons he taught me. I go to events he puts on and I speak to him regularly - he has a big impact, still to this day. I didn’t just pay for the sessions, I paid for all of it and I’m so glad I did. It’s been a great investment.

As a coach, I couldn’t speak any higher of him. He knows what he’s doing, often from instinct. He’s been there, seen it, done it. He has this ability to tune in to people, get into their heads and work out where you need to go to improve. He pulls it from you, so you realise for yourself how to improve, then he helps you plan, plot and realise it.

He’s a really caring guy and has a heart of gold. He is genuinely interested in people, you never feel like just a client to him. He will deal with you professionally and how he needs to, but he cares about you. It’s been three years, but he still checks in on me to see how I am, because he’s just that kind of guy.

The best investment you can ever make is in yourself, and if you seriously want to take yourself to another level, don’t think about working with Michael, just do it, because he will get you there.

Pick up the phone and go to see the guy - he will change your life.