Mark Smith

Fund Manager and Director of a Property Investment Company


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In 2022, while on a beach with my wife, we discussed our future. We aimed to move away from the classic work-for-money model. Property seemed the obvious choice to achieve this, and we'd already made a few investments. However, scaling required a transition on my part: I'd need to evolve into a CEO role. This meant enhancing my personal capabilities, possibly through coaching.

Academically, I'd always been strong. My CV over the past 10-15 years, combined with my educational background, attests to this. Yet, a troubling mismatch existed between my self-confidence and my demonstrated skills. My lack of self-confidence often manifested as anxiety, sometimes affecting how others perceived me. For instance, I once faltered during a presentation, which inadvertently signaled to colleagues that I lacked conviction in my own work.

My journey to tackle this 'junior mindset' began when my wife introduced me to Michael, a renowned executive coach. She had witnessed the transformative power of coaching during her HR tenure. After an introductory session with him, it was clear our partnership would be fruitful. His unconventional, yet deeply effective approach stood out. His commitment to excellence and ability to challenge preconceived notions made him the ideal candidate to help me enhance my confidence.

Our coaching journey spanned about six months. Early on, we revamped my LinkedIn profile, elevating my professional image. As our sessions progressed, I noticed tangible shifts in my demeanor and interactions. We addressed the deep-rooted issues, such as my discomfort when interacting with senior professionals. Michael's guidance taught me that presentation, often more than content, dictates perception. With newfound confidence, I was now holding my own in meetings and impressing superiors.

Beyond professional growth, I experienced unexpected personal victories, such as conquering my 25-year-old nail-biting habit! This newfound confidence permeated my personal life too, positively impacting my relationship with my wife and our friends.

The investment in coaching, both in time and money, has yielded exceptional returns. Within a year, I secured a substantial pay raise - something I wouldn't have had the confidence to negotiate prior to my sessions with Michael.

His coaching style is both rigorous and nurturing. He doesn't just dismantle counterproductive beliefs; he provides alternatives to rebuild a stronger mental foundation. We bonded over mutual friends and interests, such as our shared love for watches. His consistent professionalism serves as a testament to his commitment and is quite inspiring.

In hindsight, our coaching sessions didn't just alter my mindset; they set off a positive chain reaction that continues to this day. From grappling with a 'junior mindset' to exuding genuine confidence, the transformation has been profound. As my wife and I venture into our new business endeavor, I feel equipped to face challenges and seize opportunities. I'm confident that the lessons learned will remain invaluable, guiding me in both my current role and our future ventures.

If you're on the fence about coaching, I'm living proof that Michael is fantastic at what he does and I 100% encourage you to go and have a conversation with him to explore whether he can make changes in your life that he's done to mine.