Phil Warrener

CEO & Co-Founder of QBick


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I hired Michael because I was getting very frustrated in my corporate job. I was jutting against brick walls, became very negative and was finding a lot of conflict in my life. It didn’t matter what I did, life never went the way I wanted it to. I felt I should have been further along in my career, but others didn't see my potential, which made me feel down and unmotivated to go to work and give my best. I needed support to overcome that. Michael was a third party, not part of my professional or personal life, to help me overcome these roadblocks.

He gave me the time to reflect and see that the issues were within me. I realised that I didn’t really want to be in the corporate world anymore; I wanted to start my own company, which Michael gave me the push and the confidence to do.

I saw a couple of coaches before deciding to work with Michael. He was the one I felt most comfortable with and I liked his firm, direct and laid-back approach. Once I’d met him, it was a no brainer. He didn't hesitate in pushing me along, kicking me to get things done and asking the direct questions, which I didn’t feel the other coaches would give me.

He told me what I already knew, but needed to hear again. He made me do a lot of self-reflection. So, sometimes working with him was pretty uncomfortable, but ultimately it gave me the ability to see myself clearer and more honestly.

I got results much faster than I anticipated. I think this is because he would set me little tasks and goals and would always follow up with the success of them. Then he would push me along further, harder and question why certain things didn’t work so well. The results just kept coming!

The impact on my personal life was completely unexpected. Michael’s focus is really on life as a whole. I saw that life is all intertwined and when I looked at things that way, I saw how I could change everything faster and more positively.

He asks some awkward and personal questions, but you have to trust and be open with your coach. If you don’t, you won’t get the results you want. Michael knows more about me than most of my friends, so in having those real open conversations, he could tell me in real terms what I need to work on.

Working with him is expensive, but you get a lot more back than you put in.

He’s a very direct and blunt individual, and that’s just what a lot of people who work in the corporate world need. Those at the top of their game especially need this, because people look up to them and won’t push and kick them if that’s what they need, whereas Michael has absolutely no hesitation in doing that.

As a person, behind the coach, he’s a great guy. He’s approachable and is always there for you. He has his hard persona, but he’s actually very soft as well. Plus, he’s a lot of fun, too. You definitely don’t have to be serious all the time during the sessions with him.

Anyone who wants to work with Michael and is worried about the cost or how he is, forget about that and just do it. The impact he has on his client’s lives is second to none. Don’t think about it, just pick up the phone and start your sessions with him as soon as you can.