Skye Holland

Artist & Art Consultant


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I had reached a crossroads in my life after ending a toxic long-term relationship and needed a new focus on building a full-time professional career as an artist. I had all the education, understood art and was talented, but I just hadn’t shone in my career up to that point. My kids were grown up and leading independent lives; I had no one but myself to answer to. This was my time, and I had a burning desire to be acknowledged and successful.

I found Michael through a business network I was part of and began stalking him on social media. I knew that his take-no-prisoners attitude was exactly the kick into action I needed. I had to take responsibility for my life, both personal and professional.

We worked through this transitional period, and I can honestly say that Michael set me on a fresh path with new confidence. Sometimes, he said things I didn’t want to hear. However, it has been important to move away from the old paradigms of artist—struggle—gallery—success and take matters into my own hands. A shift was needed, and he helped me step outside my creative head of repeating old stories and become more strategic and organised.

I’m happy to say that I have recently completed a successful commission for Michael to create a large-scale artwork for his beautiful Mayfair apartment. That’s a huge personal accolade.

My art and life are always a work in progress, and I count him amongst the most important influences that continue to shape my growth, mindset, and success.