Tristan Mehta

Cosmetic Doctor, Founder & CEO of Harley Academy

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When considering how to improve my life, the most important thing I have ever done is identify which beliefs limit me. Everyone has limiting beliefs, often stemming from their personal history and upbringing. For me, the concept of life coaching is less about identifying solutions to particular problems, but more around an entire shift in mindset.

Within the first few minutes of meeting Michael, I felt my limiting beliefs immediately being challenged. This wasn’t because of the topic of conversation (e.g., “What are your goals?”), but more because of his level of development, self-worth, and vibrational frequency. This does one of two things--polarise you. Either you are repelled because you are not ready to be challenged, or you are forced to accept that you do not have any reason to limit your potential in life.

This is why I found coaching with Michael to be so transformative. Month by month, the internal bullshit I would tell myself became quieter and was replaced with an abundant mindset, with stronger boundaries and a greater capacity to be vulnerable and give love.

Now, I find myself at my strongest mentally, but also less ego-driven and more capable of accepting criticism. In short, my experience represented a turning point in my life, and there is no financial value that I could put on this.

My business has grown by 150%, and I met my life partner during my coaching with him. Thank you for being part of my life, buddy!