Radical transformations.
No bullshit.
Executive Coach London - Michael Serwa
Your professional renaissance starts here.
A Growth-Obsessed Executive Coach in London
What qualifies me as an executive coach? You might think it's a degree, a professional certification, or some other form of academic recognition. My obsession with growth – both personally and professionally – has allowed me to live the life of my dreams.
My biggest and most relevant executive leadership coaching qualification is success. Lots of it.
Coaching Success Story

"I had a massive breakthrough that had felt unachievable for two years. Within three months, I had made the decision and was totally content that it was the right one for me, my family and our future."
Pat Lynes
Founder & CEO of Sullivan & Stanley
I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. In fact, when I first arrived in London after a 27-hour bus ride, I could barely speak a word of English. My wallet was as empty as my CV. But that didn't stop me from pursuing growth.
Those first few years weren't easy. I worked in several uninspiring retail jobs, struggled under a mountain of debt, and lacked the confidence to take control.
My life today is unrecognisable. I live in a gorgeous penthouse apartment in the city I love. I travel the world. I'm fitter and happier than I've ever been. I make a sh**load of money every year.
If you're looking for executive coach qualifications, here they are!
If you have the talent, you can achieve wonders. I'm proof of that. What's more, I'm using my coaching skills to help people like you replicate my success.
Executive Leadership Coaching Requires Hard Work and Dedication
I can share my experiences, proven methods, and insights, but you won't achieve anything unless you're prepared to take charge of your destiny.
I don't offer magic wands and miracles. I offer enlightenment. I can light the path to your professional success, but you have to walk along it. If you're looking for a life coach who is going to spoon-feed you professional success, I'm not for you.
A top executive coach makes the following issues a priority during coaching sessions. While they are present in all my coaching relationships, I go further. I do things differently. But more about that later.

Personalised Development
Your former colleague is tearing up trees and smashing it. They're achieving all the successes you'd hoped for but never quite managed. What do you do? Replicate their approach? No! You create an approach that works for you. That's where I come in. My coaching style involves assessing your strengths and weaknesses before creating a bespoke development plan.
The one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work. If that's what your current executive coach is trying to implement, get a new executive coach!
Strategic Focus
So you've had a good year. Congratulations! But that's gone. What comes next? How do you build on what you've achieved? How do you keep growing and moving forward?
It's not enough to have a series of arbitrary goals. Most senior leaders will tell you that. For long-term success, you need a long-term strategy. During our first coaching sessions together, we'll start building a long-term plan that puts your ultimate goal in life front and centre.
Feedback and Change
Guess what? Choosing me as your executive coach isn't going to be easy. In fact, it's going to be one of the hardest fu**ing things you've ever done. Why? Because I'll be telling you some home truths. And I won't be sugar-coating them.
One of my key coaching skills is my ability to cut through the bu**shit and get right to the heart of the issue. I don't have the time to waste on platitudes. When I see problems and areas for improvement, I'll tell you. It won't be pretty, but this approach will serve you well in the long term. It's then up to you to make the necessary changes. All successful business leaders listen to constructive criticism, but only the best are big enough to act on it.

Skills Development
I'm not here to tell you how to suck eggs. I can't do your job for you. I bring coaching skills for your professional development – not ready-made solutions.
That said, I can give you the soft skills you need for long-term, sustainable success. If you can manage your schedules better, I'll offer time management coaching. If I think your emotional intelligence needs work, that's where my focus will be.

Whether your weaknesses lie in strategic thinking or managing team performance, we'll work together to develop the skills you need to address your shortcomings. And make no mistake – even the most impressive senior leaders in the world have shortcomings!
A lot of my satisfied clients refer to me as an accountability coach. Why? Because I drill it into every one of them that NO ONE else gives a sh** about their success.
If you aren't accountable for EVERYTHING that goes wrong in your professional life, you'll spend too much time and energy blaming others and not enough time looking for solutions. This is one of the traits that sets me apart as a leading executive coach in London.
Why My Executive Coaching Services Are Different
When I finally had the self-belief to take on any challenge, I was able to achieve incredible feats. And that's the key to sustainable success and achieving your life's ambitions. I'm not just an executive coach – I'm a confidence coach, too.
If you believe in your abilities – and your abilities live up to your belief in them – there's nothing in this world you can't achieve. Whether you're facing personal challenges, tackling a career transition, or working your way to the top of your industry, self-confidence will get you far. When you attend my coaching practice, we'll work on techniques and methodologies that develop your confidence over time.
With me as your executive coach, you'll receive the kind of coaching experience that will give you the confidence and skills you need to reach the very top of your niche.
Develop Your Strategic Planning Skills
I'm an executive coach who likes to think like a chess player. Every action has a reaction. Every decision has consequences. By creating long-term strategies, you can ensure everything you do is part of a wider, long-term plan.

Take Your Place Among Your Industry's Top Senior Leaders
To succeed in business, you're going to need to become a leader people look up to. Team coaching and development should be part of your daily routine. Ultimately, the most successful senior leaders are those whose absence doesn't affect the operational viability of the organisations they run.
Develop the Ability to Use Change as a Force for Growth
Every successful executive coach in London and beyond embraces change. Of course, the average person doesn't like change. It's scary as fu** at times – particularly when people are comfortable in their circumstances.
But change is what keeps us moving forward. You can't achieve long-term growth without change. You shouldn't need a member of the International Coaching Federation to tell you that!
When I'm finished with you, change won't be something you embrace – it will be something you instigate at every opportunity.

Become Bullet-Proof
Believe me, you need to have a thick skin to succeed in business – and as an executive coach. This is a lifelong learning process, of course. Becoming professionally bullet-proof is a gradual evolution for most people. However, I have a few proven shortcuts to speed the process along a little.
When you're resilient in the face of crushing disappointment, you can come back stronger than before.
Have you ever heard the phrase "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"? That's my outlook on life – as both a business professional and executive coach.
Become More Emotionally Intelligent
As your dedicated executive coach, one of my key objectives will be to give you the soft skills needed to achieve organizational goals on a consistent basis.
Perhaps you need to completely change the way you think about yourself. I can be your transformational coach who can give you the self-awareness needed to change your outlook.
Maybe you need help with other issues, including conflict resolution, time management, communication, and leading by example. We'll work together to implement proven strategies and techniques designed to enhance your emotional intelligence.
Use My Coaching Skills for Your Professional Development

I'm an executive coach who despises wasted potential. It's bad for the individual, bad for business, and bad for society. That's why I'm making this commitment to you now.
As your dedicated executive coach, I'll make it my mission to give you the tools needed to reach the top of your niche and achieve your ultimate career goal.
Success Stories
Watch and read what my clients have to say about me and our journey together.