Radical transformations.
No bullshit.
A London Performance Coach with a Passion for Personal Growth
Personal development is the ticket to your personal journey towards optimal performance.
Performance Coaching for High Achievers
I'm a high-performance coach because I perform at a high level. Of course, it's a little more complex than that. The point is that I've achieved astonishing results because I've uncovered the secret to developing high-performance habits that lead to long-term growth and success.
My methods work, but they don't leave any room for comfort or self-pity. If you don't have the right attitude during our initial discovery meeting, we'll part ways faster than you can say "missed opportunity". But if you have above-average capabilities that need fine-tuning and pointing in the right direction, I'm your man.
Coaching Success Story

"The best investment you can ever make is in yourself, and if you seriously want to take yourself to another level, don’t think about working with Michael, just do it, because he will get you there."
Lee Taylor
Serial Entrepreneur
The UK coaching industry is filled with professionals who will tell you what you want to hear for fear of offending you and losing your business. That won't happen during our coaching journey.
I'm very wealthy and hugely successful – in both life coaching circles and my business dealings. Make no mistake: If you take your business elsewhere because you don't like my no-bull**it approach to high-performance coaching, you'll only harm your own prospects.
I'll continue changing lives, making money, and unleashing human potential wherever it exists.
What Does a High-Performance Coach Do?

Are you certain that you're performing at the optimal level your talents suggest you're capable of? Are there ways to apply your talents in a way that maximises the results you achieve? If there are, a high-performance coach could be the key to your long-term growth.
Whether you like it or not, talent and ability don't automatically convert to high performance levels. A range of variables can affect the results you deliver – both in the short and long term.
As a proven life coach in London, I'll ensure every coaching session we embark on together will be dedicated to teaching you the methodologies, techniques, and processes that turn potential into high performance.
My Approach to Performance Coaching
If you're looking for a traditional approach to high-performance coaching, you've come to the wrong place. My methods are as robust as they are uncomfortable. That's because there can't be anywhere to hide when it comes to getting the best out of you.
If I notice issues that are holding back your personal development, I'll tell you – even if I know what I have to say will be upsetting. I've got plenty of money in the bank. I have high-performance coaching clients knocking my door down for attention. If you decide to forego my coaching experience for an easier ride, it won't affect me in the slightest.

But if you commit to working hard and embracing my high-performance coaching methods, you'll reap the rewards – the kind of rewards I've been reaping for many years.
I'm here to help you gain clarity in terms of your capabilities, your ultimate vision, and what you need to achieve it. Exactly what your personalised performance coaching program looks like will depend on your needs and weaknesses. However, I can help you achieve exceptional results in a number of ways.
Tailor Personal Growth Programs
Where do your opportunities for personal growth lie? Don't worry if you don't know, as my high-performance coaching method is designed to uncover them – wherever they may lie.
Perhaps you want to maximise your professional progression while taking care of your well-being. Maybe you need help with time management or how to maximise your productivity in the workplace.
If there's a deficit between your potential and your performance, I'll work to redress the balance. It won't be easy, but it will be effective!
Provide Practical Tips and Insights
Look, I've been where you are right now. Even when I was moving between one soul-destroying retail job to the next, I knew I had it within me to achieve incredible things. All I needed was the clarity, know-how, and support to unleash my full potential. Once I developed some key high-performance habits, I finally started to reap the rewards my talent deserved.
I'll dive deep into your history, current circumstances, and psyche to discover what's preventing you from performing at your optimal levels. I'll then share the tips, methodologies, and insights that took me from being a penniless immigrant to a top London success and confidence coach.
Develop Soft Skills for Peak Performance
All of life's high-performers have top soft skills they've perfected through hard work and perseverance. As your high-performance coach, it's my job to ensure you have a full arsenal of weapons in your skillset. From the ability to communicate effectively with others to resilience to decision-making – I'll be there to nurture and elevate these soft skills to a whole new level.

Work on Your Emotional Intelligence
According to Harvard Business School, emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to process, understand, and manage your emotions – as well as the emotions of others around you.
To become a respected leader, perfect your decision-making skills, and identify areas for improvement in your own life, you have to be self-aware, socially aware, and able to nurture and manage all the relationships in your life. You also need the ability to manage yourself – even when it seems counterintuitive.
As your high-performance coach, I'll use a series of tried-and-tested techniques and processes to develop your EI over time.
Develops a Growth Mindset
One of the primary roles of a high-performance coach is to instil a growth mindset in their clients. Every coaching session we have together will – in some way – be dedicated to developing this crucial mindset in you.
But what do I mean? What does a high-performance coach mean when they tell you that your growth mindset needs work? Well, when I say it, I'm referring to your belief in your abilities, intelligence, and natural talent. I'm talking about maximising those traits through effort, dedication, continual learning, and a clear vision.
The Ultimate Benefits of My Approach to Performance Coaching?
While high-performance coaches work in different ways, their ultimate goal is the same: To maximise the performance of an individual so it reflects their talents and potential.
Should you choose me as your high-performance coach, you'll have to work your as* off. You'll also have to develop a thick skin. I'm like Tyson Fury that way – I never pull punches.
But if you're willing to embrace my coaching methods, listen to some hard truths, and apply what we cover during coaching sessions in your everyday life, you can look forward to some pretty amazing benefits.

Unlock Your Potential
How far can you go in life? Cut the bullsh**. And stop listening to bullsh** from people who don't care about you or your career. What are you truly capable of? Once you know that, we'll work together to make your potential a reality.
Set Clear Goals
It's time to be honest about what you want out of life. And to do this, you may need to clear your mind of everyday concerns, biases, and preconceived ideas – if only for short spells. As a life and mindfulness coach, I can help you achieve clarity of thought. And once you have that, setting the goals required to achieve your ambitions should become a lot easier.
Achieve Your Objectives Faster
I get it. You're in a hurry. I was the same. In fact, I still am. The sooner you achieve one goal, you can move on to the other. And every time you do that, you get one step closer to making your vision for life a reality. As your high-performance coach, I'll show you the methods and techniques that helped me fly through my daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly objectives.

Become More Resilient
As a proven career coach in London, I know more than most the importance of rolling with the punches and eating sh** sandwiches on a daily basis.
Guess what? Most people don't give a fu** about your feelings. If they don't like what you're delivering, they'll tell you. And the universe isn't your friend, either. When the sh** hits the fan, you'll be expected to keep calm and carry on.
As your high-performance coach, it's my job to make you more resilient. When things don't go your way and challenges seem insurmountable, you need to focus on the bigger picture – and that requires shrugging of defeats the way professional boxers shrug off jabs.
Embrace Change More Readily
Change isn't your enemy; it's your friend. The world is constantly changing. People are constantly changing. Everything from the climate to the economy is in a constant state of flux. If you're not prepared to change your approach, priorities, and ways of working, you'll be left behind.
I'm the kind of high-performance coach who believes simply coping with change isn't enough. To maximise your overall performance, you need to SEEK change when the time and circumstances are right.

Success Stories
Watch and read what my clients have to say about me and our journey together.

Lee Taylor
Serial Entrepreneur