Discover the Power of Exceptional Coaching with Michael Serwa
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The World's Best Life Coach

Is it boastful for me to say I’m the world’s best life coach? That depends. If I’m not then it is nothing but a boast. However, if I am then it is not an empty boast but a simple statement of fact. And that is what I deal with: facts. The truth. The truth about my clients, their situation, the things that are keeping them from realising their dreams and ambitions and the steps they must take to activate their latent potential.

Michael Sewa - World's Best Life Coach

About My Clients

A lot of life coaches pander to their client’s weaknesses, validating their dysfunction and “celebrating” their mediocrity. If that is what you’re looking for in a life coach I am not your guy. The only thing I celebrate is my clients’ success. Their success at transcending the fear and doubt that has held them in check. Their success at taking their already considerable game to yet another level. And their success at separating themselves from the pack.

Michael Serwa featured in GQ

The people I work with are, or aspire to be, elite. They appreciate and thirst for the finer things in life and are not content to settle for anything less. Although their outward appearance may well suggest they have arrived, inside they know they are capable of so much more. It’s my job to provide the insight and tools they need to achieve their goals.

Michael Serwa client portraits collage

Your Chance to Work with the World’s Best Life Coach

Now you too can avail yourself of my expertise and benefit from my extensive experience. I conduct face-to-face sessions in and around London and Zoom sessions for clients who are further afield. But rest assured there is no drop off in my commitment based on your geographic location. When you work with me you will find me a potent advocate for your success regardless of where you live.

Michael Serwa's clients collage
My signature radical transformation programme will take you from functioning to high-functioning, and from high-functioning to exceptional. The goal is to endow you with total clarity regarding yourself, your purpose and your potential. I will not waste your time or mine shielding your ego from the truth. I live and work in the real world where the truth is sometimes unpleasant and success is hard-earned, not granted.
Michael Serwa - life coach

Get in Touch

If you are ready to vault yourself into the company of the elite I can help. But you have to make the first move. Write to me at and we’ll meet for a free consultation.

Michael Serwa life coach

Success Stories

Watch and read what my clients have to say about me and our journey together.

Pat Lynes

Pat Lynes
Founder & CEO of Sullivan & Stanley

Anjelic Kumedzina

Anjelic Kumedzina
Global Director of Talent &
Co-founder of Kookoo But Kind

Alberto Verme

Alberto Verme
Sports Entrepreneur

View More Success Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

Got more questions? Feel free to contact me for more information.

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