Radical transformations.
No bullshit.
Confidence Coach London - Michael Serwa
Self-belief already lies within you – it's my job to bring it to the surface.
Not Your Average Confidence Coach in London
I'm a London confidence coach with a difference. I guess you could say my own journey to the pinnacle of the life and confidence coaching scene began with a 27-hour bus journey to London.
I arrived here in search of a new life with little more than the money in my pocket and a few words of basic English.
Today, I live in a luxury penthouse overlooking the greatest city in the world. I travel the world in style and enjoy the lifestyle of an international playboy. Oh, and I'm in the best shape of my life.
Coaching Success Story

"From grappling with a 'junior mindset' to exuding genuine confidence, the transformation has been profound."
Mark Smith
Fund Manager & Director of a Property Investment Company
What qualifies me as a top confidence coach? I've been there, done it, and bought the T-shirt! My self-confidence is one of the main driving forces behind my own success.
I have high self-esteem, but getting to where I am today hasn't been easy. I've had to work on developing my self-belief over the years. Today, however, it's at stratospheric levels.
You can live the same kind of exceptional life I enjoy – you just need to open yourself up to my methods. After just a few sessions with me, I'll help you feel confident about yourself, your ability to excel, and the future that awaits you.
I'm a confidence-building aficionado, and my services are in high demand. But I don't work with just anyone. If you have the ability and self-awareness to know you need help to overcome self-doubt, I have the tools to fix you.
My Key Responsibilities as a Leading London Confidence Coach
You're lacking self-belief, and it's the only thing standing between you and your dream life. It might surprise you to learn that the final steps on the path to personal success are relatively easy.
You have the ability, the passion, and the desire, but self-doubt and low self-esteem are holding you back. Through a series of one-on-one coaching sessions, I'll use a range of tried-and-tested methods to help you cut out the negative self-talk and get your life on track.
I'm the kind of life coach you need in your life if you lack the self-belief to fulfil your potential.

Nurture Your Self-Esteem
All too often, people struggle to focus on anything but their weaknesses. Don't worry about them. I'll help you address them over time. However, one of my jobs is to build a stronger sense of self-esteem by focusing on your strengths and celebrating the qualities that make you stand out.
Together, we'll ditch the self-doubt and replace it with self-belief. When you genuinely believe in your abilities, even the most serious challenges seem less intimidating.
Identify Your Limiting Beliefs
A survey revealed that 50% of business leaders lack confidence in their own ability to lead. This lack of self-belief often stems from self-limiting beliefs. I hate that people are being held back because of psychological factors they're often not aware of. I'm on a mission to change that.
Whether you know it or not, you've been programmed to think about yourself in certain ways. These are the invisible barriers that are holding you back.
These limiting beliefs are affecting your decision-making – maybe on a daily basis. My job is to help you think differently about yourself...more positively. Whether these preconceived ideas are affecting your professional life or your personal life, they won't stand a chance when we tackle them together.
Turbocharge Your Self-Belief
Over the years, I've used a range of strategies to develop my own self-belief. Even when I hit barriers and encounter personal challenges, I turn to proven methods in order to overcome them. I'm here to teach you how to do the same.
Unshakable self-belief is a powerful tool. When it's harnessed correctly, it can obliterate self-doubt and even the most daunting challenges.
Whether you're struggling to make headway in your chosen career or you're trying to develop the confidence you need to pursue your dream job, I'll help you believe in your ability to achieve your goals.
Improve Your Communication Skills
It's very hard to become more confident in yourself if you struggle to communicate your thoughts, feelings, and directions. When your messages don't land properly, you can't achieve your goals – and that's a long-term recipe for disenchantment and decreased self-confidence. Fortunately for you, I'm a highly rated communication coach as well as a confidence expert.
During our coaching sessions, we'll work on various communication techniques that have worked for me and hundreds of my clients over the years. Big themes during these sessions will be empathy, connection, and, of course, confidence.
Once you understand how to adjust your communication approach according to the situation, you'll be able to deliver the outcomes you're looking for more frequently. And that's a recipe for sustained confidence building.

Develop Your Resilience
Sh** happens! Get over it. The universe isn't against you. Sh** happens to everyone. Do you think Bill Gates or Elon Musk haven't had to overcome the most crushing disappointments several times over the years? Do you think they retreated into themselves and blamed others? Or is it more likely that they decided to say fu** you to the naysayers and go again?
Failure is a good thing when it allows you to learn and grow. What's more, the fear of failure can be a potent motivational tool. I'll help you develop this kind of resilience and feel confident in your ability to bounce back quickly.

Improve Your Decision-Making Skills
Think about the last time you had to make a major decision – whether in your private or professional life. Were you confident that you were making the right call? And if you weren't, did your reticence adversely affect the outcome? Did others feel confident in your judgment?
If you lack the confidence to make tough decisions, do you really expect others to follow your lead? My life coaching expertise can help you to be a more courageous leader.
Using various techniques I've perfected over the years, I'll develop your confidence and self-belief to ensure your decisions are based on nothing more than cold-hard facts.
I've made money, and I've enjoyed commercial success on an unfathomable scale. That's why I like to call myself an entrepreneur coach. I'll show you how sound decision-making is the key to long-term growth.
Will you always make the right decision? Of course not. You're human. But when you make the wrong calls, you'll have made them for the right reasons.
Make Accountability Part of Your DNA
I talk about accountability a lot because it's one of the central tenets of my approach to confidence building. When you blame others for your own lack of progress or success, you're saying to yourself "I lack confidence when it comes to taking control of my own destiny".
That's bull**it.
Yes, people WILL let you down. And yes, there will be times when those around you are responsible for missed opportunities. But what are you going to do; spend time and energy playing the blame game? What's that going to achieve?
If others have let you down, maybe you shouldn't have trusted them with your success in the first place. Maybe you need a new approach...a new network of collaborators.
Don't just think of me as your confidence coach; think of me as your dedicated accountability coach, too.

Foster a Positive Mindset
Yes, it might sound a little cliche, but a positive mental attitude can get you far in life. Of course, this is often easier said than done.
Anyone can be positive at the beginning of a journey. There's an endless road ahead that's lined with positivity and optimise. Anything is possible. But your positive mindset is challenged when things go wrong. That's when I earn my money as a life coaching expert.
My job is to help you maintain a positive outlook when it seems like the whole world is against you!
Why You Need a Confidence Coach in Your Life
A big part of successful life coaching involves giving you the confidence to embrace change, pursue your dreams, and generally strive to be the best possible version of yourself. You're here, so you obviously need my help. But in my experience, no two cases are ever the same.
Social Awkwardness
If you lack self-worth, you may feel awkward in social settings. And even if you feel OK, others may pick up on your lack of confidence.
During my confidence-based life coaching sessions, we'll work on techniques designed to make you more comfortable in your own skin. You'll go from being awkward to being someone who can command a room.
You're Not Naturally Assertive
If you lack self-worth, being assertive probably doesn't come naturally to you. Perhaps you're happier avoiding confrontation than putting your point across in a no-bu**it, matter-of-fact way. That may be easier for you in the short run, but long-term, it's a recipe for mediocrity and unfulfilled potential.
During our life coaching sessions, we'll develop the strategies you need to become more confident when you're giving your opinion or instructing others to perform certain actions.
It's not enough to be heard; you have to command respect at the same time. I can show you the way.
You Regularly Fail to Achieve Your Goals

Goals are good. They keep us moving forward. They give us something to fight for. Whether they're related to your relationships or your work life, goals give us something to focus on – which is good for our mental health.
Sadly, too many people are afraid of even setting goals. Why? It's often related to the fear of failure...the fear of humiliation.
During my coaching program, we'll look at various ways to set realistic and achievable goals that still stretch you. We'll also look at the obstacles in your way – one of which is probably low self-belief.
Your Communication Skills Need Some Work
You'll struggle with personal development if you lack communication skills – and the confidence to exhibit them in all walks of life.
During our sessions together, we'll develop some key communication techniques designed to help you get your points of view across in an assertive and confident manner.
By building confidence, you'll learn how to become the most interesting and engaging person in the room. And when that happens, the sky's the limit for your career and personal life.
Success Stories
Watch and read what my clients have to say about me and our journey together.