Life Coach in Marylebone - The UK's Top Life Coach - Michael Serwa

Discover the Power of Exceptional Coaching with Michael Serwa
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Life Coach in Marylebone

If you are looking for a life coach in Marylebone who will do their utmost to avoid upsetting you or producing uncomfortable feelings, I’m not that coach. What I do is take people who are already successful, or well on their way to being successful, and help them find and exploit that extra bit of potential that puts them over the top once and for all.

Michael Serwa - life coach

Why You Want to Work With Me

I believe in leading by example. I don’t ask anything of the people I coach that I don’t expect of myself. I’ll help you identify and transcend those things that have always acted like an anchor on your ability to get what you want. Those voices and behaviours that cause you to procrastinate as if the well of time is bottomless. It’s not. This is it. Stand and deliver or get out of the damned way.

Michael Serwa - life coach in Marylebone

My clients come from a variety of fields and backgrounds. They seek out my help because they’re serious about reaching the next level. They’re not looking for someone who will validate their mediocre performance and present them with a participation medal. They work with me because they want to be the best and surround themselves with the best.

Michael Serwa client portraits collage

Digging Deep

It’s alright if you don’t arrive at our first session full of confidence and knowing exactly who you are and where you’re going. In fact, I’d think it was pretty odd if you did. But it is important that you arrive at that first session eager to learn about yourself, warts and all, and willing to dig deep in order to transcend the limits you have imposed on yourself out of fear or uncertainty.

Michael Serwa featured in GQ

The Best Investment You’ll Ever Make

If the people around you are more intent on currying your favour than they are in helping you unleash your true potential it’s time to get in contact with me. I’m not here to make you like me. I’m here to help you unlock your potential and emerge from the other side of our interactions a better, more potent, more successful and fulfilled version of yourself.

Michael Serwa featured in The Telegraph

If that sounds like the kind of journey you’re interested in I might be the life coach in Marylebone you need. But we need to find out. So write to me at I’ll let you know when I’m available and we can arrange a free consultation to determine if we’re a good match.

Michael Serwa life coach

Success Stories

Watch and read what my clients have to say about me and our journey together.

Jan Gromadzki

Jan Gromadzki
Actor, Massage Therapist

Karin Nielsen

Karin Nielsen
Tech Entrepreneur

Alberto Verme

Alberto Verme
Sports Entrepreneur

View More Success Stories

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Got more questions? Feel free to contact me for more information.

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